New book co-produced by CoramBAAF and Coram Voice celebrates the remarkable talent of children in care

  • 7 July 2017

New Beginnings and other writings on being in care book

The book is the first of its kind, and contains a moving collection of poetry and prose written by children and young people who have experienced the care system. Split into two sections, “Finding a new life” and “Moving on”, each piece of writing shares stories and feelings on a number of different topics, including leaving home, facing changes and embracing new beginnings.

These pieces of writing give a rare and powerful insight into how children and young people feel about being in care. The stories and poems highlight the importance of listening to children in care, and making sure these voices are heard and celebrated.

Long-term Coram supporter, actor and Doctor Who star, Peter Capaldi, who hosted the ceremony for Voices 2017 spoke about the importance of the book,

“This rich collection of poetry and prose is a testament to the creativity and remarkable talent of its contributors…It is impossible not to be moved and humbled, not only by the creative talent and spirit of resilience of the writers, but also by the courage they display by sharing their personal experiences with the public.”

The book aims to create a better understanding and insight into these young people’s lives, and to encourage more young people to share their experiences of the care system.

For more information and to buy the book please visit the CoramBAAF bookstore.


Useful Links:

Find our more about the Voices writing competition

Hear Peter Capaldi read a winning entry in our Voices writing competition for children in care