Peter Capaldi voices Radio 4 Appeal for Coram

  • 31 May 2017

Peter Capaldi at Coram

The Radio 4 Appeal is a weekly three-minute programme on BBC Radio 4 highlighting the work of a charity and appealing for donations. In 2016/17, listeners gave a total of almost £900,000 to the featured charities.

Long-term Coram supporter Peter Capaldi is making the appeal on our behalf, highlighting a moving real-life case study of a little girl who suffered abuse and neglect in her early childhood, and whom we helped to find a loving, safe and secure adoptive family.

Listeners can donate now by post (Freepost BBC Radio 4 Appeal), phone (0800 404 8144) or online.

The appeal airs on Sunday 2 July at 7.54am and 9.26pm, and it will be repeated on Thursday 6 July at 3.27pm. It will also be available on the BBC website, where you can donate directly online.

Thank you to BBC Radio 4 for helping us to showcase Coram’s work and to Peter Capaldi for generously giving his time to voice the appeal.

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Hear Peter Capaldi read a winning entry in our Voices writing competition for children in care