Riders celebrate a record-breaking year for the Cycle to MIPIM

  • 15 May 2017

Cycle to MIPIM cheque

This year’s Legal & General Real Assets Cycle to MIPIM – organised by Coram’s charity partner Club Peloton – was record-breaking in every sense. For the first time, 200 cyclists rode 1,500km over two fully fledged routes from London to Cannes, in time for the international MIPIM property conference.

In the process, friendships as well as business deals were forged, riders achieved more on two wheels than they ever thought possible, and they fundraised a staggering £612,712 for charity. As Club Peloton’s main beneficiary, Coram will receive two thirds of this, enabling Coram Adoption to find loving, safe and permanent homes for more of the UK’s vulnerable children in care.

Six weeks after setting off from central London, riders got together once again to celebrate their wonderful achievement and catch up. Nick Hanmer, CEO of Club Peloton, delivered a speech thanking the riders, sponsors and all involved in making the Cycle to MIPIM the remarkable event that it was. On behalf of the Club Peloton community, he presented Dr Carol Homden CBE, Chief Executive of Coram, with a cheque for £612,712, who then went on to say her personal thanks and read a poem written by one of the entrants in Coram’s Voices 2017 writing competition for children in care.

The poem describes the experiences of a little girl in care, enabling the riders to understand the impact of Coram’s work:

‘Days into weeks into months, trust grows, fun begins, laughter heard…

The life of a girl who has been here a short time but in her heart a lifetime.

A lost girl, a found girl, a girl with a life now.

New start, reborn at seven years two months’

The atmosphere was friendly and jubilant as riders recounted stories of their long ride down to Cannes and reflected on their remarkable achievement.

Before long, talk turned to next year’s ride and we hope to see many of our fantastic riders once again in 2018. The Cycle to MIPIM 2018 will launch at The Foundling Museum on 10 October 2017.


Useful links 

Find out more about our Club Peloton partnership

Find out more about Club Peloton events