Watch new animations illustrating how adopters and adoptees feel about adoption

  • 18 July 2016

#werehereforyou animation stillThe ‘Adopter’s Voice’ is aimed at prospective adopters or people going through the adoption journey. The aim is to provide a comprehensive picture of both the practical and emotional journey adopters take. Join adoptive parent Mike as he shares valuable advice about the adoption experience, which he learnt with his wife Jenny. They want prospective adopters to have “the smoothest adoption journey possible” and advise that it’s important for adopters to do research, attend an adoption event, prepare emotionally and trust their social worker and offer plenty more useful tips. After all, “children know the difference when they are loved”.

The second animation, the ‘Adoptee’s Voice’, which is inspired by young adopted people and based on research. Listen to adopted young person Lily as she shares important lessons, which adopted young people have learnt. The animation helps adopted young people and their parents “understand each other better”. Lily covers thoughts and experiences of adoption including communication, life-story books, school and more. Adoptees want to “start to heal the feelings from our past and look forward to the future. Together”

Coram’s YouTube channel hosts a comprehensive selection of videos about adoption. Visit our Facebook page and Twitter channel too #werehereforyou

This activity is all part of the build up to National Adoption Week which this year takes place 17-23 October 2016 and as in previous years, the need to find families for some of our most vulnerable children remains at the heart of this year’s event.