Prospective adopters urged to consider siblings this LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week

  • 6 March 2023

A campaign launching today is asking prospective adopters from the LGBTQ+ community to consider adopting sibling groups who need to stay together.

Led by the charity New Family Social, and supported by Coram, this year’s LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week is highlighting the children waiting who need to be placed in loving adoptive families alongside their brothers and sisters.

The charity reports that previous analysis showed that 47% of same-sex couples waiting for an adoption match were more open to considering sibling groups, compared to 36% of different gender couples. Despite strong numbers of LGBTQ+ people adopting, there are still many children waiting, particularly those in sibling groups who often wait longer to be placed.

Coram, as host of Regional Adoption Agency Coram Ambitious for Adoption, has a partnership with local authorities across London and in Slough, and is one of over 100 adoption and fostering agencies supporting LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week 2023. Running since 2012, the campaign has seen the number of adoptions in England to same-sex couples grow from 1 in 31 to 1 in 6 in 2022.

Coram, one of the early pioneers of LGBTQ+ adoption, is welcoming enquires from anyone thinking about the adoption of siblings to take their first step by making an enquiry or coming along to one of our free monthly online adoption information sessions. The next sessions take place on 14 March and 20 April.

Sue Lowndes, Managing Director of Coram Ambitious for Adoption, said: “We’re proud to have supported many LGBTQ+ single people and couples over the years to adopt and it is really rewarding to see children who have had a difficult start in life thriving in their care.

“We warmly welcome enquiries from LGBTQ+ people across London and surrounding areas who can provide safe and loving homes for children. In particular, we hope the campaign will shine a light on the joy of adopting siblings who need to stay together, and we’d urge anyone interested to get in touch to see how we can support you throughout your journey.”

Ben and Adam adopted siblings Lydia and Spencer through Coram.* Ben says: “The support from Coram has been absolutely second to none. We felt really equipped with support and evidence-based knowledge – you feel like you’re not alone. Spencer and Lydia are very confident, funny and outgoing. We’ve seen real changes in their personalities. Spencer had a complete turnaround – he is the most outgoing person, he loves school, he is so funny, cheeky, interested in everything, and Lydia is so affectionate, caring and thoughtful. Adopting our children is absolutely, one hundred per cent the best thing we ever did, no doubt about that.”

*Names have been changed to protect anonymity