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Coram pledge support assets
Download a selection of graphics to show your support for signing Coram's pledge, which spotlights messages for children and young people in and leaving care.
The Door is Still Closed
This report, 'The Door is Still Closed', published by the Coram Institute for Children, finds that local authorities are routinely failing in their legal duties to children aged between 16-17 years old who become homeless, leaving them without the support they are entitled to.
Disability, disparity and demand: Analysis of the numbers and experiences of children in care and care leavers with a disability or long-term health condition
This insight paper looks at what we do, and importantly do not know about children in and leaving care with a disability or long-term health condition in England.
The Story of New Belongings: Improving services for care leavers with care leavers – Final Report
The New Belongings report shares key learnings from the three-year programme and offers practical resources that any local authority can use to improve their care leaver services. The Bright Spots survey for care leavers Your Life Beyond Care was one of the key tools used as part of the programme.
10,000 Voices: Children in care’s views on their well-being report
For almost a decade the Bright Spots programme has worked with children and young people to explore what they feel makes their lives good. The 10,000 voices report highlights what children in care felt about their well-being.
The wellbeing of children in care and care leavers – learning from the Bright Spots Programme: Strategic Briefing (2022)
This briefing provides an overview of the key messages from the Bright Spots Programme. Although it is aimed at strategic leads and senior managers, the contents are of relevance to anyone working with children in care and care leavers.