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The Door is Still Closed
This report, 'The Door is Still Closed', published by the Coram Institute for Children, finds that local authorities are routinely failing in their legal duties to children aged between 16-17 years old who become homeless, leaving them without the support they are entitled to.
Mental Well-Being amongst Parents and Carers from Minoritised and Marginalised Ethnic Backgrounds: A Rapid Evidence Review
The review was conducted by Coram alongside an evaluation of the Community-Based Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being Support Pilot funded by the London Mayor’s Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) and the Major’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). This review is not part of the VRU-funded work and is being published by Coram.
VRU Community Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Support Pilot Evaluation
The pilot forming the basis of this report emerged from the Violence Reduction Unit’s (VRU) public health approach to violence, based on evidence that supporting the whole family should be a part of an integrated approach to reducing violence. The VRU appointed and funded Groundwork and Midaye to deliver the pilot across the two services.
VRU Practitioner Briefing Report
This briefing report is for practitioners and services who support service users with their emotional well-being and mental health – particularly service users from minoritised and marginalised communities.
Disability, disparity and demand: Analysis of the numbers and experiences of children in care and care leavers with a disability or long-term health condition
This insight paper looks at what we do, and importantly do not know about children in and leaving care with a disability or long-term health condition in England.
Research into case holding responsibility in support of the National Adoption Strategy
Adoption England commissioned Coram to undertake research exploring case holding responsibility practice in Regional Adoption Agencies (RAAs) in England, in support of the National Adoption Strategy.