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Situation Analysis of Women & Children in Malaysia
In 2018, Coram International was commissioned by UNICEF Malaysia to undertake a situation analysis of children, women and adolescents. The team, together with a national research institution and national experts, carried out analysis of existing administrative and survey datasets and other research to carry out an assessment of progress and remaining challenges in the achievement of international and national development targets in children’s rights in poverty and social protection; child protection; health; nutrition; WASH; and education.
Meta-synthesis and meta-analysis of evidence on child marriage in South Asia
In 2024, Coram International conducted a meta-synthesis and meta-analysis of existing evidence on the effectiveness of interventions to prevent and reduce rates of child marriage in South Asia.
Diversion and Alternative Sentencing of Children in Conflict with the Law in Papua New Guinea
This report contains key findings from a deep dive study on the use of diversion and alternative sentencing of children in conflict with the law in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The study was commissioned and led by the National Juvenile Justice Committee (NJJC) with the support of UNICEF.
Training Package on Child-Friendly Legal Services
This training was commissioned by UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO) and written by Awaz Raoof.
Situation Analysis of Children and Adolescents in Sierra Leone
This report assesses the situation of Sierra Leone’s children and adolescents with respect to the realization of their rights; analyses child deprivation using an equity and gender lens; assesses the capacity of duty bearers at all levels to meet their obligations in the fulfillment of these rights; and makes specific recommendations for future actions, programme interventions, and policy directions.
Promoting Healthy Gender Norms and Behaviours in Early Adolescence
In 2023, Coram International created for UNICEF this technical paper on common drivers and effective SBC approaches to prevent violence in adolescent intimate partner relationships.