Care leavers’ views on their transition to adulthood: A rapid review of the evidence

Young people with direct experience of leaving care are best placed to evaluate and comment on the care system and how it has worked for them. this rapid review sought to place their voices at the forefront of our development work on well-being and care leavers.

All care leavers have had a diverse range of experiences prior to leaving care; differences in family background and varied experiences of care, all of which set the context for their experience of leaving care (7; 9; 26; 49). their journeys to adulthood will continue to be shaped by their previous experiences (82). It is only through listening to care leavers’ own accounts of their experiences and feelings that we can fully understand what leaving care is like for young people and how they can be better supported in their transitions from childhood to adulthood.

Around 80 UK studies were included in this rapid review. This report is a summary of the key themes and issues that emerged from the review. the quotes used in this review are from the young people interviewed or consulted in the various studies.