The Family Harmony programme is delivered by the Coram Parenting and Creative Therapy Service as part of the Reducing Parental Conflict Programme (RPC), funded by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
The Family Harmony programme aims to tackle the significant negative impact that conflict within the family can have on children’s outcomes. Family Harmony is a multi-family group programme that adopts an innovative strength-based approach combining music, art and family therapy practices, which had not been tested in previous RPC evaluative work. The programme comprises 10 sessions including two individual family and eight group sessions, some involving children while others only adults. Delivery to families started in November 2023 and ended in September 2024.
The Coram Impact & Evaluation team evaluated the Family Harmony programme. The Impact & Evaluation team is part of Coram but in a separate department and is therefore independent from the Parenting and Creative Therapy Service. The evaluation adopted a mixed methods approach to understand programme implementation and early evidence of promise.
Read the full report below.