Skills for the future

Create better chances for children this Christmas


Children starting school have seen their development stunted by a fifth since the pandemic.

Four and five-year-olds are less likely to meet the expected levels of development, according to research commissioned by the Education Endowment Foundation.[1] This has set back their learning, sense of safety and security, connections with others, and social and emotional development.

Since 1739, Coram has been creating better chances for children. One of the ways we do this is through Coram Life Education, the UK’s leading charity provider of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education. They reach 575,000 children and support teachers in over 2,500 schools and through SCARF online resources.

Last year, we saw a 49% increase in the number of children reached by Coram Life Education.

Evidence shows that being educated in core life skills early on gives children the best chance of developing the resilience, confidence and practical skills to navigate life both on and offline. This empowers them to make changes which last a lifetime.

Your support could help more children access the lifelong skills they need to navigate our increasingly complicated world.

"We're allowed to talk about tricky issues in a safe space."
A child supported by Coram Life Education


Coram can only continue to provide children with the skills they need for the future thanks to the generosity of our supporters. Please help create better chances for children this Christmas by donating today.

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[1] Education Endowment Foundation. Pandemic adversely affected young children’s development, with fewer reaching expected levels by the end of reception class. 2022