Coram Family & Childcare Holiday Childcare Survey 2022

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Coram Family & Childcare Holiday Childcare Survey 2022

This year’s holiday childcare survey highlights variations in price rises and availability of holiday childcare both between nations and between the regions of England.

Published 19 July 2022 By Ellen Broomé, Lisa Kunwar Deer, Sam Shorto

Staying Connected: The views of looked after young people on their contact arrangements

Staying connected explores the views and experiences of children in care shared through the Your Life, Your Care surveys. It analyses over 7,500 responses and 3,000 comments to questions about spending time with their birth parents, brothers and sisters.

Published 1 May 2022 By Shirley Lewis, Julie Selwyn and Linda Briheim-Crookall

Coram Family & Childcare Survey 2022

Coram Family and Childcare’s 21st annual Childcare Survey finds that parents are now paying 2.5% more for childcare for children under two; 2% more for children aged two; and 3.5% more for 3–4-year-olds than they were a year ago.

Published 22 March 2022 By Lester Coleman, Sam Shorto and Dalia Ben-Galim

Helping your child to sleep

Sleep difficulties occur in approximately 48-70% of adopted children compared to roughly 25% of the general child population. We have put together this booklet which includes information about why adopted children may be more vulnerable to sleep difficulties and some of the strategies that families have found useful with their child or young person.

Published 26 November 2019 By Kent Post Adoption Support Team (PAST)
Published 2 May 2019 By Olivia Michelmore and Dr Jeff Mesie

Fostering for Adoption A child-centred solution: A guide for prospective FfA carers

Our guide is aimed at helping you to decide whether you could be a Fostering for Adoption (FfA) carer and explain the routes to becoming approved as an FfA carer.

Published 21 September 2017 By Elaine Dibben, John Simmonds, Jeanne Kaniuk