Coram Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts 2022/2023
Coram's Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts for the year ending 31 March 2023. The Report sets out how Coram worked throughout the year 2022/23 to deliver better chances for children through the Group’s seven key outcomes.
Coram Beanstalk Annual Report 2023
Coram Beanstalk is proud to celebrate 50 years of giving children skills for the future. Being able to read is a fundamental life skill, without which children would be unable to access the opportunities their life brings them.
Support our vital work by leaving a gift in your Will
Having a Will ensures your wishes for your money, property and possessions will be followed when you are gone. As well as planning for the needs of your family and loved ones, you can also help future generations of children who need Coram’s help.
Read our 2023 Autumn Newsletter
In this edition of the Coram Newsletter find out how we are giving children a chance to shine and skills for the future.
Coram Impact Report 2022/23
Discover how in the wake of the pandemic, Coram has continued to provide better chances for children, now and forever.
Our key publications
Coram has a range of publications setting out in more detail how we work with children and young people and providing details on how you can get involved or support us. These are all available either digitally or in print by request to the Coram communications team.