Children playing with a parachute at preschool in the North East of England. The children are running underneath it.

Support our vital work by leaving a gift in your Will


We are Coram – the first children’s charity, helping hundreds of thousands of children, young people and families every year.

You could create better chances for generations of children by leaving a gift in your Will

Having a Will ensures your wishes for your money, property and possessions will be followed when you are gone. As well as planning for the needs of your family and loved ones, you can also help future generations of children who need Coram’s help.

Coram offers two free Wills services to our supporters to write or update their Wills:

How your support helps

Coram brings together prospective parents and children, especially those deemed ‘hard to place’. A gift in your Will could match a child with a stable, loving family. And your help means we can be there for families, as long as they need us, with the support they need to thrive.

For over ten years, we have run our pioneering Adoption Activity Days. These events enable the children waiting the longest to be adopted to meet with individuals approved to be adoptive parents. By including Coram in your Will you will change children’s lives for the better, like Sam.

Sam’s story

Sam, aged seven, had some scary early life experiences and for a long time he struggled to trust and form secure attachments. After being in foster care for two years Sam was ready to find a forever family and attended an Adoption Activity Day.

Sam was a delightful, confident little boy with a big personality and had expressed a wish for two dads as had always had a tricky time with women. On the day, he met Chris and Marcus and there was an instant connection. Chris and Marcus were a warm, nurturing couple open to developing their skills as parents. Sam moved in three months later.

Without these Activity Days this new family might never have found each other.

"At an Activity Day, you can see the children interact, smile, play and discover their little characters and their potential. If I had only read my son’s profile, instead of meeting him at the Activity Day, then I might have decided his needs were too great, but as soon as I met him, I knew he was my son and he really is the perfect match for my family."
A mother who went on to adopt following an Activity Day

Watch our short video about Adoption Activity Days below.

"Making a Will is vital for anyone who wants certainty as to how their estate passes when the time comes. Without one, you cannot choose who administers and benefits from your estate."
Andrew Bird, Associate Solicitor at Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP specialising in Wills

For nearly 300 years, Coram’s mission has been to create better chances for children. Now and forever.

With the help of gifts in Wills, we can achieve our vision of a world in which all children can have the best possible chance in life.

Find out more about our Gifts in Wills service and dedicated support team here. You can also contact our Gifts in Wills Manager, Rachael on or 020 752 0306 with any queries you have.