Funding from charitable Trusts and Foundations is vital to our work. We rely on this invaluable support to deliver services to some of the UK’s most vulnerable children and their families. Trusts and Foundations that support us over several years help us plan ahead, safe in the knowledge that the funding for future services is secure.

How Trusts and Foundations make a difference
Currently, charitable Trusts and Foundations make it possible for us to support children placed with adoptive families, helping them to flourish in loving, permanent homes by providing advice and support to the families whenever they need it.
Trusts and Foundations enable us to offer art and music therapy for young children who are traumatised by neglect or abuse, and to make sure that young people at risk of homelessness have their say about the services they need to rebuild their lives.
In addition, Trusts and Foundations can help us deliver many other critically important areas of our work, ensuring we can:
- find loving, stable families for children in the greatest need
- protect children from being left to drift in the care system
- support isolated young people as they take control of their lives
- tackle the causes and effects of drug and alcohol misuse for children
- educate children in making responsible choices in life
- give parents the confidence to do their best for their children
- research and evaluate what works when it comes to supporting vulnerable children, and then share our knowledge
- train and partner with professionals and agencies to ensure their work with children is informed by best practice
How we work with Trusts and Foundations
If you become a Trust or Foundation supporter, we will work with you to identify projects you may wish to fund. If you decide to offer unrestricted funding, we will use your money where it is needed most. In return, we will ensure you receive high quality reports on the services your donation has funded and the impact it has had on the lives of children and families.
We are also happy to acknowledge your support on our website, in our annual report, or in other publications as appropriate.
Get in touch
We are keen to develop our relationships with Trusts and Foundations further, both existing and new partnerships.
If you are a Trustee or have links with a Trust or Foundation and are interested in learning more, please contact or call us on 020 7520 0338.
Contact the team today