Be inspired to fundraise for Coram
From skydiving to a garden party, pamper evening or quiz night, there are lots of options for having fun with the ‘feel-good’ factor that comes with doing something for a good cause.

Fundraise in your community
Community fundraising is a great way to get to bring people together, have fun and raise funds for Coram. Whether you’re part of a Women’s Institute group, sports club or school, we can support you on your journey. There are lots of ideas in our fundraising pack, which you can download here today.

We’re here to help
We are here every step of the way on your fundraising journey. Browse our free fundraising pack to support your event.
We also have collection boxes, T-shirts, balloons, pens and much more (limited supply). Contact us with your requests and for more information at hello@coram.org.uk.
Below is a list of things to help you think about how to keep your fundraising safe, legal and fun.
Health and safety
When considering fundraising activities, you will need to consider the risks and how to minimize potential risk.
Please note: Coram cannot accept any responsibility for accident, injury, loss or damage as a result of your fundraising event.
Risk assessments
Please conduct a risk assessment to ensure you have plans in place to protect participants.
If you need more information, consult the Health and Safety Executive at www.hse.gov.uk
If you are thinking of organising a large-scale event, please email hello@coram.org.uk and we will complete a more detailed risk assessment with you.
Please ensure that all participants are fully briefed about the event, including any risks, fitness requirements, special equipment or clothing required, and standards of behaviour expected.
If you are taking part in or hosting a fitness event, it is the responsibility of the individual to ensure they are fit enough to take part.
Please ensure that your event is adequately supervised.
Where children are included, it’s important that you:
- provide adequate adult supervision
- check with parents/guardians that the child is able to take part from parents/guardians
- consider what insurance cover you need for your event
Coram cannot accept any responsibility for accident, injury, loss or damage as a result of your fundraising activity. We strongly recommend that you have adequate insurance, and that you take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of all concerned.
Please see entertaining licence information on www.gov.uk or contact your local authority to see if a licence is required for your event.
Text to donate
A quick and easy way to give either a one-off or regular monthly donation.
Text CORAM followed by your donation amount to 70085.
Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message, and you’ll be opting into hearing more from us. If you would like to donate but don’t wish to hear more from us, please text CORAMNOINFO instead.
Transferring money raised to Coram
It’s easy to send us the money you raise after your fundraising. Here are some options:
An online page
You can set up an online fundraising page. This is very easy but check the charges. Don’t forget to share the link across your social media.
By bank transfer or online
Please email hello@coram.org.uk for details or to let us know you have made the transfer, or paid online.
And don’t forget Gift Aid
Are the people supporting your fundraising tax payers? For every £1 the people they donate, HMRC will give us an extra 25p at no cost to them. So, to help us turn every £1 raised into £1.25, please make sure all of your supporters use Gift Aid.
Become a fundraising champion
Our fundraising pack will give you ideas for how to raise money for vulnerable children with tips and advice to get you started and help your event run smoothly.
Download the fundraising pack