Donate to provide children with opportunities to thrive

Approximately one in four children leaves primary school unable to read at the expected level.

With living costs continuing to rise, families are facing mounting pressures and children’s post-pandemic education recovery is in jeopardy. The number of children affected is set to rise as resources are stretched even further. 

  • One in six parents reports their children are struggling more in school than a year ago. (Parents and carers spending less on books as cost-of-living crisis impacts families across Britain. National Literacy Trust. 27/02/2023.)
  • When children fall behind in reading by the age of 11, the impact can last for the rest of their lives.
  • 70% of pupils permanently excluded from school have difficulties with basic literacy. (Why we are needed. Coram Beanstalk.)

It is not just children’s academic futures at risk. A quarter of parents with children under 11 reported that the cost-of-living crisis had affected their children’s mental health as well as their learning, further eroding their self-esteem. (Cost of living has harmed mental and physical health of hundreds of thousands of children, parents’ poll says. iNews. March 2023)


With your help, we can support them to re-engage through our expert education programmes.


could provide a child with five sessions of our life-changing reading support


could buy ten brilliant books that can be used by our volunteers to help children engage and improve their reading


could provide a training session to four reading volunteers to help them improve children’s learning and wellbeing


Please help us create better chances for children by providing them with opportunities to gain the skills they need for a bright future.



Coram Beanstalk

Over the last 50 years, Coram Beanstalk has created better chances for more than 250,000 children by helping to build their reading ability and confidence.

Weekly 30-minute sessions with our volunteer reading helpers provide children with one-to-one attention with a trusted adult to help them catch up. We help children fall in love with books, engage with school and build self-confidence to thrive. 

Coram Beanstalk

Coram Life Education

Coram Life Education is the UK’s leading charity provider of Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, reaching 575,000 children each year.

We help children understand, explain and regulate emotions, stay safe on and offline, and develop healthy relationships. 


Coram Life Education
“Coram Beanstalk is the best intervention programme we have ever delivered and shows the most progress. It’s the one intervention we would not be without!”
Headteacher of a school we work with