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Listening to children and young people – How Bright Spots helps local authorities hear their voices
How do local authorities develop services for children in care and care leavers that are actually focused on what they say is most important to them? Join us for this lunchtime webinar which will explore some of the key learning from the Bright Spots Programme which has helped over 80 local authorities across the UK, to listen to what makes life good for more than 25,000 care-experienced children and young people.

National Kinship Care Strategy: Implications for social workers and local authorities
The first-ever National Kinship Care Strategy has been published. This session aims to explore the implications of the strategy on social work with kinship families and the impact it has on local authority planning, practice and workforce.

Learning from Research: Expressions of self research project
This session serves as an introduction to the Expressions of Self research project and covers the findings and implications.

Assertive advocacy
Equipping social workers to challenge their child’s school to ensure better outcomes, particularly in professional PEP meetings. Uphold a child or young person’s legal rights and ensure that they are fairly treated.

Unconscious bias: understanding diversity and discrimination
Ashley will encourage you to investigate different manifestations of unconscious bias in a safe and supportive format.

Care experienced people as a protected characteristic
Care experienced people as a protected characteristic