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CII Children’s Services Innovation Forum 2024
Join us in-person at the Coram campus to hear about how we can transform children's services through innovation. Bringing together a wide range of like-minded professionals from across the country, the Forum will demonstrate innovations in practice and inspire discussion on how we can utilise our collective capacity and optimise our use of innovative technology to facilitate better outcomes for children, young people, families and improve practice for those working in the sector.

Care experienced people as a protected characteristic
Care experienced people as a protected characteristic
Published 23 March 2023
Our key publications
Coram has a range of publications setting out in more detail how we work with children and young people and providing details on how you can get involved or support us. These are all available either digitally or in print by request to the Coram communications team.

Training for corporate leaders
Our Full Circle and Objects and Their Stories courses are designed for workplaces to develop their employees' professional development, hone communication skills and improve wellbeing.