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Challenges and complexities in kinship care planning
Ann Horne and Clare Seth will explore the challenges and complexities of care planning in kinship care. They will map out the care planning journey from early identification of potential carers to securing legal permanence. They will explore the challenges including assessment, regulations and guidance but also offer suggestions for good practice.

Learning from Research: What matters to children living in kinship care
Paul Shuttleworth will be discussing why children's views are worthy of inclusion in research to shape policy and practice in kinship care.

Coram IAC Launch Conference
Coram IAC is celebrating joining the Coram Group of charities in conjunction with honouring Black History Month through this groundbreaking one day conference. With an incredible line up of speakers, the conference will create a space for reflecting on diversity, inclusion and identity in neurodiverse adopted, looked after and kinship care children from the global majority.

Caring for children who have experienced domestic abuse
Exposure to domestic abuse can have long-term consequences for children’s health and development. These may not be immediately apparent once children have been removed from an abusive home and are living with alternative carers.

Therapeutic interventions: making the right choices
This half day course is aimed at professionals who work with children and families who may benefit from a therapeutic intervention and would like to increase their understanding of different therapeutic approaches. Foster carers, kinship carers and adoptive parents who are considering different options for therapeutic support may also benefit from this training.

Learning from Research: RCT Model of creative life story work for LAC
Life Story Work (LSW) is the process of helping people to remember and make sense of their early lives. It can help children who have been separated from their birth family to understand their past, and come to terms with the present circumstances and what has happened to them along the way. This session discusses the results and implications of recent research on the topic.