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Embracing Complexity: Identity in Research, Policy, and Lived Experience
Join us for a dialogue that will redefine our understanding of identity and its profound importance for individuals and organisations alike. Organised by Youth Insight, a vital part of the Coram Institute for Children built on the work of young researchers alongside recognised experts in the field, this event introduces the ‘complex identity’ framework.

Webinar: Innovations for Children’s Wellbeing and Participation, with Mind of My Own and myHappymind
The Coram Innovation Incubator is delighted to be joined by special guests from Mind of My Own and myHappymind to talk about their innovations for children's mental health, wellbeing and participation.

Migrant action in law and art
A panel discussion hosted during Refugee Week. Join Coram and the Foundling Museum as we discuss migrant action in law and art.

Learning from Research: Getting best-evidenced mental health support to care-experienced young people
This talk will present findings from the ADaPT project – an active implementation study spanning 28 mental health teams across England.

Getting started in: Permanence
In the final session, we will be wrapping up by looking at the core concepts of Permanence with our Head of Policy, Research and Development, James Bury. This six part series is tailored specifically to recently qualified social workers, students and those wanting to find out more about adoption, fostering and kinship care.

Getting started in: Health’s role in fostering, adoption and kinship
In this session, we will be exploring the vital role of health in fostering, adoption and kinship with our Health Consultant Ellie Johnson. This six part series is tailored specifically to recently qualified social workers, students and those wanting to find out more about adoption, fostering and kinship care.