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Adoption Activity Days
Activity Days allow you to meet a range of children who are waiting to be adopted in a supported, safe and fun environment. Referrals are free of charge but you will need to be in at least Stage 2 of the assessment process with a positive recommendation from your social worker.

Bespoke training: Coram Life Education
High-quality, evidence-informed training for individual teachers, whole-staff groups and multi-school groups. We can create bespoke courses to meet your precise training needs. Delivered by Coram Life Education.

Training for schools: Coram Life Education
Free and low cost specialist teacher training and support for all aspects of Relationships and Sex Education, PSHE Education, including specialist areas such as Early Years. Delivered by Coram Life Education.

Training for teachers: Coram Life Education
Free and low cost specialist teacher training and support for all aspects of Relationships and Sex Education, PSHE Education, including specialist areas such as Early Years. Delivered by Coram Life Education.

CoramBAAF Annual Health Conference
Safe in Care or in Harm’s Way? Recognising and Responding to Risks to Keep Children in Care Safe: The CoramBAAF Annual Health Conference provides an opportunity for health professionals who work with care experienced children and young people to come together to discuss current issues and share practice.