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Using PACE principles in practice
PACE stands for Playfulness, Acceptance. Curiosity, and Empathy and is an attitude has proved to be helpful for many professionals working in adoption, fostering or kinship care services. and is an attitude has proved to be helpful for many professionals working in adoption, fostering or kinship care services.

Sibling Assessments: Beyond, together or apart
This open course will offer a comprehensive approach to undertaking sibling assessments. It will explore how to gain the views of the children, observe sibling interactions and draw conclusions on the quality of sibling relationships as well as focusing on the individual needs of each child and of the sibling group.

Learning from case reviews in Adoption, Fostering and SGO cases
This event will give workers attending an overview of the key points of learning from the Learning from Case Reviews research. It will also provide an opportunity to reflect on changes to be made, in your own personal practice or within your organisation, to reduce the risk of significant harm to looked after children, those living with special guardians and adopted children.

Life Story Work: Enhancing confidence in direct work with children and the creation of good quality Life Books
This open course will enable participants to explore best practice in the facilitation of ongoing life story work which will enable children’s and young people’s understanding of their past, acceptance of their present and hopefulness about the future.

Therapeutic Interventions: Making the right choices
This half day course is aimed at professionals who work with children and families who may benefit from a therapeutic intervention and would like to increase their understanding of different therapeutic approaches.

An Introduction to the Secure Base Model
With children firmly in focus, this open course provides an introduction to the Secure Base Model framework and specific related tools which enable practitioners to assess prospective foster carers’ and adopters’ parenting capacities and on-going support needs.