Voices in Action privacy notice

This notice was last updated on 18.06.24

Coram Privacy Notice – Voices in Action

What is a Privacy Notice?

This is a privacy notice, it is about the information we collect about you. We have to have this by law (General Data Protection Regulation, May 2018) so you know what we do with information we have about you.

We are only able to keep information about you when you know:

  • Exactly who is keeping your information and data
  • Why we are keeping your information
  • What reasons we have for keeping your information
  • The types of personal information we will keep
  • Where your personal data has come from
  • Who we might share information with and why
  • How long we will keep your information
  • What your rights are (e.g. if you want to see your records)
  • What if I think the information you have about me is wrong?
  • How you can stop us from having your information
  • How you can make a complaint

We can only keep information that is relevant to our work with you. These are called records. Records have to be accurate, up to date, secure and kept for a limited amount of time only.

What information do we collect from you?

When you apply to become a Voices in Action Ambassador we ask for the following information:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Your email
  • Mobile number
  • London borough
  • Gender you identify as
  • Ethnicity
  • Whether you have a disability

If you are accepted to join the programme we will ask for two emergency contacts – name, relationship to you and a phone number. We will also ask for any access or support needs and any dietary requirements.

We will also ask if you would like to sign a media consent form so that we can take photos and/or video of you which is held safely by us and the marketing team. This is optional and only if you would be happy for your image to be shared as part of our programme publicity.

Why do you keep this information?

We keep your contact information so that we can keep in touch with you about activities you are involved in at Coram.

We keep your date of birth so we can make sure you are eligible for our programmes and to make sure that we follow the right processes to support you in line with your age.

We also keep a record of your age, gender, ethnicity and whether you have a disability so that we can evaluate our programmes and make sure we’re working with a diverse range of young people.

We keep details of access, support needs and dietary requirements so that we can make sure you are safe and supported. We keep your emergency contact details so that we have someone we can get in touch with in the case of an emergency.

We keep photos and video to publicise Coram’s charitable work. Photo and video may be used for marketing materials and online (e.g. newsletters sent to supporters, our annual review, exhibitions in museums, the Coram website, and our social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and public relations (e.g. newspapers, magazines and for broadcast on television).

Who might we share this information with?

The images and video footage may be shared with third parties (e.g. newspapers, corporate partners and other media organisations) via electronic (i.e. online) to publicise Coram. We will always tell you before we do this. If you do not want us to share just let us know and we will not.

We will not share any of your contact details unless we have specifically asked for your consent (e.g. to put you in touch with another organisation offering an opportunity you are interested in).

Who is keeping my information and data?

Coram has a record your information on a system which is safe and secure. The organisation is Coram, Coram Campus, 49 Mecklenburgh Square, London, WC1N 2QA.

Electronic records are saved on a secure database that is available to Coram and Coram staff on a need to know basis. This means no one who will look at your information who does not need to.

Any paper records we have are kept in locked cabinets.

How long will you keep my information?

Coram will keep your information for a year after you have stopped being part of the programme or an alumni. You can, however choose to continue to get information about opportunities from us and we will check this with you every year. You can advise Coram that you do not want to be contacted or involved in the project anymore at any time and we will delete your information.

All our staff have been trained and follow our confidentiality policy where your rights to confidentiality are respected and protected.

What are my rights over my information?

We will make sure we keep your personal data up to date so you can fully participate in The programme. We will also make sure that our processing of your personal data is in line with the law (General Data Protection Regulation). You can find out more about General Data Protection Regulations by visiting www.ico.org.uk.

You have the right to request access to the personal data that we have collected about you to change or delete any of the information. You also have the right to request a copy of the personal data we have collected about you.

Can I see my records, change them or stop you keeping my information?

If you would like to make a request to access, review, or correct the personal data we have collected about you, or to discuss how we process your personal data, please contact amy.spiller@coram.org.uk, 07984290860

To help protect your privacy and security, we will confirm who you are before giving you access to your personal data.

How can I make a complaint?

If you are unhappy with how we are using the information we have about you please speak to the data controller (dataprotection@coram.org.uk, 0207520 0337) to see if they can help. You can also make a complaint.

If you are not happy then you can also complain to:

The Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Helpline:  0303 123 1113