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  • Adoption and fostering
  • Arts and heritage
  • Child and family support
  • Children’s rights and legal advice
  • Education and skills for the future
  • Getting young voices heard
  • Professional training and resources
  • Research and policy insight

Suitable For

  • Care experienced children
  • Children
  • Early years
  • Families
  • Migrants and refugees
  • Parents and carers
  • Professionals
  • Researchers
  • Teachers
  • Young people

Connecting past and present care experiences

We are digitising the oldest records in our archive to preserve Coram’s unique history, help care-experienced young people connect with their predecessors, and enrich thinking about care today.

Published 2 February 2023

volunteers have transcribed historic Foundling Hospital archive records

Our Voices Through Time programme is preserving priceless, fragile documents dating back to the establishment of the Foundling Hospital.

Read about Voices Through Time

Transforming lives through the unique power of Shakespeare

We work with schools across the UK to give young people a unique opportunity to build their confidence, skills and knowledge by learning about and performing Shakespeare in the world’s largest youth drama festival.

Published 2 February 2023

young people gained confidence and skills through Shakespeare

Every year we work with schools across the UK to stage our award-winning Coram Shakespeare Schools Festival, the world’s largest youth drama festival.

Discover how Shakespeare changes young lives

Wellbeing education

Coram Life Education is the leading charity provider of relationships, health, wellbeing, and drugs education to primary school children across the UK.

Published 1 February 2023

Pupils with access to our wellbeing resources annually

Our wellbeing and mental health resources support over 50,000 teachers and reach more than 570,000 pupils across England and Scotland every year.

How we help improve wellbeing

Birth records

We offer a birth records and counselling service for people who grew up in Coram’s care and their descendants.

Published 1 February 2023

volunteers have transcribed historic Foundling Hospital archive records

Our Voices Through Time project is preserving priceless, fragile documents dating back to the establishment of the Foundling Hospital.

Find out about your own birth records

One-to-one reading support

Coram Beanstalk recruit and train volunteers to provide consistent and tailored one-to-one literacy support that helps build children’s ability, confidence and enjoyment of reading, putting them back on track to achieve their potential.

Published 31 January 2023

of schools say our support builds children’s reading confidence

98% of schools agree our volunteers help children increase their enjoyment of reading. 97% say our support helps improve children's attitude to reading.

Learn about our reading support

Programme for young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds

Our award-winning Young Citizens programme enables young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds to support and educate others about building a life in the UK through workshops and resources based on their own experiences.

Published 30 January 2023

workshops delivered by young migrants and refugees

Our Young Citizens Trainers have delivered workshops to almost 1,000 young migrants and refugees on wellbeing and rights, based on their own experiences.

Read about our programme